Fast Movers Benefit the Most in a Tight Market

May 11, 2022|Job Market

This year, Japan’s renewable energy labor market has retained its authentic trait of being largely candidate-driven. There is a shortage of candidates amid an abundance of job openings, in contrast to the situation in most developed economies with a strong renewable energy industry, such as the UK or Australia.

The market structure is not the only difference. There are other traits that are particular to Japan’s labor market, which are especially important for overseas companies to keep in mind as they expand locally:Low Candidate

– Visibility: The go-to platforms that provide candidates visibility are not yet widely used in Japan. Only about 3% of professionals in Japan are registered on LinkedIn. What’s more, the country has one of the lowest percentages of English speakers among developed economies.

– Long-Termism Culture: Japan is famous for its lifetime-employment labor market. While that was starting to shift in recent years, recent economic tailwinds have pushed back the shift with candidates again favoring stability.

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